Don’t worry, little friend, it’s probably just your accent.
Well, now we have officially met Mondo! Also known by a few of you as “the meatloaf.” Note his serenity and wisdom – he’s just like Yoda! Well, if Yoda were also obese, gassy, narcoleptic and spoke in incomprehensible Esperanto.
How will this particular interaction resolve itself? TUNE IN THURSDAY
Yes, I said Thursday. Sorry, kiddos – I’m working all weekend.
I once read a description of Esperanto as “…a cross between Spanish and Martian”. But I didn’t think anybody had ever even heard of Esperanto any more. (And what the Hell is Demonkitty doing with his tail dandruff?)
I believe that’s soot, actually.
My favorite quote about Esperanto came from a Wikipedia line that has probably been deleted by now – “native Esperanto speakers most commonly occur when born from two people who met at an Esperanto conference.”
Yep, that’s been deleted from the Wikipedia article. But raising children with Esperanto as their “milk language” would be as difficult (not to mention as bizarre… nor as cruel…) as doing the same with Klingon 🙁
Soot? Is he going to try to write and/or draw something he hopes Mondo will understand?
I think I know that guy. To be fair, he was Portugese, but that’s within walking distance of Esperanto.