Demonchat seems to like to try and make friends the same way Angechat does, but he’s not nearly as successful at it!
Holy crap, what a day, and it’s not even half over yet. I’m going back to sleep for a while, get up, and try to fit as much art into the last day of my vacation before the rat race starts back up again. I’ll have the next comic ready for Thursday and you know what? After that I think I’d like to try going back to my biweekly-when-I-can-deal-with-myself schedule!
I look forward to disappointing you in new and exciting ways! 😉
Amazing pwa-sone’s! Freash out of the étang!
I do so look forward to the talk between the “janitor” and Demonchat!
I hope Demonchat didn’t actually *harm* any of the _poissons_ – that would undoubtedly piss off Angechat, the Janitor, and Etoile. (And, concerning the Janitor, it’s *always* a bad idea to piss off anybody who lives in Heaven and wears a long white robe and sandals…)
I dunno. Demonchat is pretty darn good as far as creatures of the underworld go . . . but he still is, at the end of the day, a demonchat!
But we know that Angechat *makes friends* with fish (and butterflies, and Mondo). It would make her terribly angry and sad if Demonchat had actually *eaten* one of her friends.
Yet, even she needs to live and eat.
We do not yet know the relationship of Angelchat, her animal friends and food.
It may be a relationship where the animals are willing to give to the good Angelchat (remeber the Pig of Eden from The Simpsons: ?)
“I look forward to disappointing you in new and exciting ways!”
From CustomersSuck (I think): “All our representatives are busy ignoring other customers. Please stay on the line, and your call will be hung up on in the order it was received.”