And now it alllll comes together. After all, the hallmark of an intelligent plan isn’t necessarily intricacy, but simplicity!
I am sorry for having dropped the ball so much lately. I’ve been sleeping in thirteen hour chunks. That ain’t right. I’ve also been working on, uh, a ‘side project’ that I’m not quite ready to reveal my involvement in. Hopefully I will soon. I think I’m equal parts proud and ashamed of myself!
Update on Monday, and you KNOW it’s gonna happen ’cause I finished the comic at the same time as this one and it’s already locked in and ready to go!
Now, that’s not very angelic of you, Ètoile!
and I wish you a fine weekend, it should be strengthening knowing that the comic is already enqueued.
We already know that Etoile isn’t very angelic. For that matter, the only other “students” depicted, besides Angechat, are very un-angelic “mean girls”. Just what exactly *is* going on up among those pure white clouds? (And what does that imply about “hell”, below the world?)
Well, all forms of students have to live with a pecking order, where they are ranged rather low on the ladder….
And life is hell.
So start living and forget about life, you won’t survive it anyway!
I spent my childhood at the very bottom of the pecking order, until it suddenly became desirable to be weird. But as far as “forget about life”… I DO intend to survive it. I seriously intend to “live forever, or die trying” (as Heinlein put it).
Oooh, another new project!
Sleeping in thirteen-hour chunks might be the result of depression, but it might also be the result of physical illness, anything from nutritional deficiencies to a “disordered” sleep/wake cycle. You oughta get that checked out, girl…