Sigh . . . she outran all but eight of them, only to be undone by a stray “bloop”!
I’ve been rereading a lot of my own archives lately, mostly for reference purposes, and as I’ve done so, I’ve been rereading comments as well. I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has been reading this, and especially folks who leave messages. Ace and Krulle, I know I’m not the most talkative soul in the world, but I do read the messages you post, and it’s always nice to see your communiques. Reminds me there’s folks out there reading / enjoying this thing, and it inspires me to work harder. You too, Farckenholdt, Paul, Phecda, Willow and everyone else I have forgotten to mention who are thereby free to yell at me for it! 🙂
I also value the corrections for my genuinely broken French. If I’ve botched it this time, please say something – I’ve little experience with pairing conjugated verbs with gerunds!
Also, new comic Monday!
EDIT: Okay, not happening, but I have a good reason for REAL this time!
So, I don’t know how many people know that I’ve recently traded in my scrubs and medical equipment for a desk and a computer chair. But my current job is at a newspaper. It’s a niche paper, but it’s legit, and this week, their paper is going to feature something it’s never had before.
One of my comics.
It’s my first ever attempt at op-ed, and I’m not gonna lie, I’m weak! But the whole newsroom seemed to like this one, and I’m hoping that this becomes the start of a regular gig with these folks. I’m super excited. In the past, they don’t seem to have usually posted their editorial comics online, just in the print edition. But if it DOES show up online, then by GOD there will be a link here!
Anyway, that’s where my time / energy went this week. I’ll get better about it eventually, but for now, well . . . new comic Thursday. 🙂
Je dois _m__e cacher!
Well, we read your comic because we like it, and we need to thank _YOU_!
Plus, I do not like the smile of the lizards from hell…
But what did she hide in?
Balls in a BASKET. I had a feeling that was a problem. I’ll fix it the next time I load a comic.
As to where she’s hiding, well . . . . I don’t suppose you remember The Pools?
As Krulle says, thank *YOU* for making wonderful comics! (I have very, very fond memories of “The Bunny System”!)
But I feel sorry for poor Angechat… when she has to come up for air, and the lizard-things are still there, grinning…
I’m glad you and Krulle are still enjoying this thing!
And as for the lizards, well . . . they’re fast and they’re MEAN . . . . but they’re not very smart . . . . .
You know I’ve been your fan almost from the beginning – remember that Voltaire concert, where you were helping a friend out with beads? (Okay, I’ll shut up now.)
At least it seems that Angechat hasn’t wound up in a pool of anything toxic, corrosive, or flammable… of course, I may be wrong about that…
I remember you AND the Voltaire concert! My friend’s name was Chrys, and I was her associate salesgirl, and I spent most of Wicked Faire very, very drunk. 🙂
I can’t afford those events any more, besides not having transportation on weekends. Although I only went to them because of Voltaire and some of the less, shall we say, “specialized” vendors. (However, “mint-chocolate-chip-marshmallow-swirl” describes me better than “vanilla”.)
Me too. My wife and I are crazy for bunnies, so naturally when searching for comics with bunnies yours would pop up.
I enjoyed it for years, and been keeping you on a watchlist I check every few months.
So, when Chat started, I knew it’d be good. But it is even better.
And yes, I remember the “pools” from Chapter 2 (starting here: ).
But what exactly is in THIS one?
I’ll stay tuned for the next episode. Curse you, cliffhangers!
I love bunnies too. When my son was a child, we had pet bunnies for a long time. He went away to college, and I wound up taking care of all the pets. That was a while ago, though, and all the bunnies are gone; I miss them sometimes, but where I live now, I can’t have pets. But I still love bunnies – and that’s also how I found The Bunny System, of course!
We still have a few (4 right now, shortly ago it were 7).
But it is the reason why the stuffed pets of our kids are predominantly rabbits (and the ones they “need” to sleep definitely are).
I think we’ll always keep some rabbits, but the amount had to be reduced, with the kids I simply have less time to get around to cuddle them as they deserve. Also, I can’t train them anymore for anything.
Our first two I got trained to do:
– come when called (wherever they were hiding in the garden)
– let me search them for ticks as long as necessary without any form of defence from their side (picking out the tick is something else….)
– “fetch stick” *
– open the cage when alone
– surprise the hell out of my wife (meaning: jump in her face when she’s sleeping in front of the telly again)
– annoy the neighbour when the neighbour became annoying again
* only one of them; only when not thrown far (shortsighted – plus when carrying the stick back short attention span, so she dropped it when she saw/smelled anything interesting – so the maximum range was about 3 metres – best result when tossing only 1.5-2 metres)
I may need to re-read TBS archives again…
I do miss my bunnies. They weren’t brilliant conversationalists, but they were *very* good listeners.
Apparently people are teaching rabbits to compete in hopping over various obstacles, like a show-jumping horse:
(click the “Rabbit Hopping” button on the left)
I did not do Kaninhop (although i knew about it).
Mine were trained in other stuff, and we got into doing so, because our first had a hip problem.
The second was of a race which are known to be more like pitbulls than elegant jumpers.
So we did other stuff.
Cat’s toys can be wonderful playthings for rabbits.
(We moved into a house with garden when our second rabbit (a female) was already 6 years old. She was very protective of our first rabbit (~same age, male, castrated) . So, when a cat attacked our first one in the garden (the cat missed its first jump), she attacked the cat. And repeated that until the cat did not dare coming into our garden EVER again. Even years after she has died, the cat did not dare to comeback. And the cat lived next door… (otherwise a very nice cat, just this first time the instincts got control of her – I saw her one time preventing a different cat from getting into our garden))
I miss my bullterrier (a Deilenaar).
With later ones I tried Kaninhop, but never got into real contact with the “scene”, so I did not pursue it much.
Been reading since the Bunny System and I look forward to each update here. This is always one of the first things I check each Monday.
This is a fun story, I’m really enjoying it. I discovered your work when you were doing “The Bunny System” and I loved your psychotic rabbits and airhead squirrels. So, thank you for continuing to create and share!
Well, thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt when I turned from horrible rabbits to something very very different!
Ooh! Just read your update on the new job. Congrats, and especially congrats on getting a cartoon published!
I’ve been following you for a long time. I came across you via the Bunny System and would comment on LJ as bunyip 😉 I am really enjoying where this comic is going
Are you the Bunyip I think you are? Fancy meeting you here!
Glad you’re enjoying it. Just sorry there’s no more poetry contests for you to win. 😉
Hey, congrats on the work stuff! Sounds like you may have found the perfect way to combine “making a living” and “making comics”. I’d *LOVE* to see your editorial cartoon!
Yes, please link us to it if it gets publishesd!
Our local newspapere does not have a real “online” section, but published the “offline” paper as downloadable PDF….
the links from the store page ( ) do not lead to your books anymore. It looks like IndyPlanet has changed the links, and therefore your links just lead to the limbo or frontpage….
Just wanted to point it out. 🙂