Unfortunately, looks like neither of them is that quick. Hoo boy. This is gonna get worse before it gets better.
Next update is Thursday, because I want to lose time drinking this weekend. After all, you only turn 32 once, unless you lie about your age!
Happy Birthday! Just don’t drink so much you wind up feeling as bad as Ange.
Demonchat, you might try putting her halo closer to her head… it couldn’t do any harm, and it might just help. Then, instead of taunting Lolo (which is *never* a good idea), you might, um, try to kill her, or at least do to her what she did to Ange… (Or not.)
Also: best wishes for your special day. Enjoy it, as once again, it will be the first day of the rest of your life!
Happy Birthday! (And go look at your LiveJournal profile page…)
I hope you enjoyed the binge, and are finally able to start thinking again?
(I’m not, but then I’ve finally peaked in the infection curve. Took the cold a while to get hold of me 🙁 )
If you wish to celebrate Thanksgiving, skip us and update next Thursday.