All RIGHT! I am back, and I am ready to drive this puppy home! After all, our Ange and our Demon are back together again . . . but are their troubles really over? What lies in store for them in this final chapter?
Well, I’m not going to tell you here, as I’ve already drawn several pages and telling you here would negate all that hard work. I’m just gonna draw ’em, then post ’em, and then you’re gonna read ’em and we’ll all be caught up to each other!
New page Thursday!
Who or what is Letizia?
Where is the lake that lets this wonderful flower shine?
You’re making me curious!
Time, speed up. Make it be next Thursday, so I can start being caught up!
Letizia is Italian for happiness.
Of course, it’s not too late for me to do a fake-out depressing ending . . . . 😉
I’d really rather you didn’t…
(You implied that you were going to do that with The Bunny System, but the actual ending was both sad and joyful.)
Very pretty!
(I used to know a goth who called herself Letizia… her real name was Ashley, of course…)
Oh, I do know a Letizia. But she was never a flower before her blossom-peak (at least not since I know her). She was and is more just past it…. But then she never faded from that point. She is still wonderful, but just past the peak to give her the impression of “She’s seen it all”, and thus a lot of credibility, and loss of innocence. A flower not yet open definitely stands for innocence, which the Letizia I know does not convey.
Personal experience thus might give the interpretation of this picture and the chapter that will come a weird biased interpretation, that would not fit the pages up to now. But then, what else has happened during the intermission between the chapters?