I do love my kitties.
Well, if you’re reading this, I am now in Mexico. I am taking a much needed vacation this week. I reached the point at my job where I was mixing up names and dates and places constantly, and my words were all slurring together because my THOUGHTS were all slurring together. It wasn’t a great scene. I need this, trust me.
However, I am not leaving you high and dry. There is a comic already locked and loaded for Monday (and hopefully formatted correctly for once) and I have brought art supplies on this little trip, so I should have some pages ready to lock and load upon my return.
Hasta luego, y’all. New comic Monday.
Coincidentally enough, one of the filkers I’m friends with on LJ just wrote a song about the idea of “home” being “wherever you are with the one(s) you love”. Double-coincidence: before he posted his new song, I’d been having a conversation with a couple of other LJ friends about where “home” is. When I think the phrase, “I want to go home!”, I don’t think of any of the places I’ve ever lived, nor even the place I live now…
Espero que te diviertas en México, amiga 🙂
Enjoy your free days, and do only things you want to.
Have fun!
oh dang. You shouldn’t have said that the next page is there.
Wait, WHAT?!
Curiosity killed the cat.
Stop it, Krulle!
Oh! All the feels!
I love Ange so much right now.
Hi Audrey! I’m loving CHAT so much!
Josh, good to see you here! Audrey is amazing!