Man, something is going on around here.
Sorry for the couple hours delay. On the plus side, after this I’ve got two more pages totally drawn and lined, they just need their colors. Hopefully after next Thursday’s update I’ll be ready to go back to twice weekly. Yes, I am that crazy.
And holy hell I am NEVER doing 100% analog bi-weekly work again. It’s computer coloring all the way from the next project out!
EDIT: Finishing the coloring/scanning tonight, will post around 8 a.m. or so Pacific Time. Trying to finish 3 pages at once. Preeeetty sure I hate myself.
So, besides enjoying us with a wonderful comic, you are learning something for yourself?
Good. 🙂
Is Ange starting to recognise something?
She seems to have recognise the same word as from the colourful bird before.
And typical Demon: too fast to do something, and forgetting to think about implications… :p
Demons speak English. Angels speak French. Plain cats speak Esperanto. And birds speak Italian. Do fish speak Japanese? Do dogs speak Spanish?
And not to forget whatever the heck that was that spoke German…
Well, after the parrot yelled “BUONGIORNO!”, I made a joke implying that one or the other of the Chats replied in German, “Guten Tag, Herr Vogel!”, just to add yet another element of confusion. Is that what you mean?
I had to go back and search. I found the fire creatures on Ch 6, P 11 speaking german. But I had transposed memory with the giant eye that speaks chinese after they pop out of that universe, so that was what I was referring to.
3 pages at once???
Don’t race to the finish line!
Take your time, I want to enjoy this comic as long as still possible!
But I love you for bringing me this comic!
And I love you for bringing this story to an end.