Meet the next generation – ten healthy kittens with a range of genetic diversity that would make Gregor MendelĀ give a low whistle. Still haven’t named any of them – anyone got any ideas?
Pardon the delay. You know that song, “Can’t Stop Falling in Love”? Make that “Can’t Stop Falling Asleep” and you’ve got my evening. Final page on Monday at the latest.
Itty bitty kitties!
The one with the tiny black dots is Pepper. The one with the unicorn horn is Virgil. The mirror-image pair is Lefty and Righty (whichever one is on the left at any given time is Lefty – you get the idea). The one that’s digging up the grass is Screamin’ Mimi. And that’s half of them named…
The one that is sitting pretty next to Mama Ange (black and white with angel wings) on the far right is Simone.
Does this mean I have to name *all* of them?
Well, Carly here has named at least one of them for you!
Good. I was running out of ideas.
The white wingless one is Victor and the black winged one is Charlotte.
Charlotte! Just like the new British princess!
I love this bonus page the most