Does he even know where Paris IS?! If he didn’t steal a map from the travel agency, then let’s hope that that portal is smarter than the kitten using it!
Getting back on track. The next few pages are a bit of rough going, as I have to learn a bit more about the mean streets of residential Paris before I plop any characters there, but I think I’ve got my designs down. I feel secure declaring Monday the next update day.
Also debating as to whether or not I should get a Facebook for this thing. On the one hand, it would mean more exposure. On the other hand, it would mean another online social presence I would have to maintain, which is neither a talent nor a joy to me. I mean crap, the LJ’s been dead for how long, and I can barely keep THIS place from falling apart! I don’t have a reputation as a misanthropic hermit for nothing, after all. 🙂
EDIT: Working, but not hard enough. Getting it done, but not fast enough. One more day, by heaven and earth, I just need one more day.
Aaaaand there goes the “job” Lolo ordered him to do. He’s really fucked now. But maybe he’ll *find* Angelkitty. Except he doesn’t speak French, and she doesn’t speak English. I’m suddenly reminded of the old Beatles song, “Michelle”:
“Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble, très bien ensemble;
Michelle, ma belle, these are words that go together well, my Michelle…
I will say the only words I know that you understand, my Michelle.”
Mean streets in Paris probably look like mean streets in any European city – or even parts of older American cities like Boston, Philadelphia, lower Manhattan. Antiquated, run-down buildings with funky-looking windows and doors, stone-paved streets too narrow for anything bigger than a wheelbarrow, dirt and grime in every crevice, and everything dimly lit.
(FWIW, I can’t be the only person who misses you on LJ. And I refuse to have anything whatsoever to do with Facebook and/or Twitter.)
Oh, he is SO fucked.
Internet backs up your image of Parisian streets. Still, I think Paris has done a pretty good job of modernizing a determinedly antiquated setup, so it’s sort of a challenge to balance the scene so it clearly has the old-world-charm, while not looking like I accidentally sent my protagonist back to 1687. For what it’s worth, I’ll try to get back into my LJ again. I started late and I was horrible at keeping it up, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it. 🙂
I just had this crazy image pop into my mind: A narrow cobblestone street lined with antique storefronts, with signs like “Boulangerie”, “Starbucks”, and “Ordinateurs Apple” 🙂
But Angelkitty doesn’t live in Paris – she lives in the clouds. And when Demonkitty’s black smoke clouds dissipate, he doesn’t fall to the ground in Paris (hmm, he winds up back underground – how does that work?). Still, she and all her companions up there speak only French…
Quel casse-tête!
Regarding Facebook:
– personal opinion: please no. I don’t like it. I don’t go there.
– more objective opinion: please do. Much more exposure for your great comic. Plus, if fb goes down, they do all to get it back up and restore the sub-sites, while on this page it’s mostly up to you. A lot less upkeep from your side. disadvantage: someone else is making money with your work by displaying ads.
Well, thankfully, I don’t like Facebook myself either, so trust me, this WOULD still remain the primary page. It would just be more a way to funnel people here. Do you suppose that would be effective, or even a good idea?
Well, if no-one here likes FB, there’s no-one to give you a kick when you start there by “liking” your FB-page….
Otherwise, from what I gather all around, FB-pages are easy to maintain, if you don’t go for fancy. Just post there and point for comments here.
Effectiveness? You don’t rely on ads, and the hurdle to find you and look at your pages is for people already on FB lower than finding this on the ‘nets. So, it might be effective. But without someone advertising that you’re there, the knowledge might spread very slowly.
(Just like right now).
What about a TopWebComics Vote button?
Demonkitty, Lolo, Angelkitten, …: they all make great vote icons!
Effective? I don’t know. If we have readers who “like” you, and therefore promote you more than they can do right now, it might be a good mouth-to-ear propaganda. But it’s your decision to say that the results are worth the extra effort to publish on fb too.
Good idea? Any reader such a step might get you is one reader more. While I put into the “Website URL” on other wordpress comments sites, it does not seem to be very effective attracting new readers.
I can not make this decision for you. I tend to be a hermit too. Skype and one forum for another webcomic is about all “social media” I do.
I am pretty sure, that demonkitty is being observed by his superiors for his first job. And he looses his paperwork at such a convenient time.
If you want good quick tour of Paris, find a copy of “Rendevous”. An 8 minute cinema verite’ race through Paris early on a Sunday morning.
Tuesday is a very fine day too!
Click you on Tuesday, then!
Art takes as long as it takes, and sometimes “reality” gets in the way (whose dumb idea was it, anyway, for people to have to *work* for a living, instead of doing what they want to do?). I check every day anyway, even when I know there isn’t going to be a new comic, because your other devoted fans often leave interesting comments.
I second that!