Little girl has a hard decision to make, but it looks like she’s made it!
Anyways, life is a little up in the air, but things have been, while rather tiring, improving at a rapid rate! I’m really very pleased at the moment, if exhausted, and I’m trying to plan ahead on comics as far as I can so any life stress doesn’t affect my comic, or my readers. 🙂
Also I engaged in horrible experiments in MineCraft. You see, you can make a lead there, and lead animals like cows and horses around? Well, I discovered in my morbid curiosity that you can attach a lead to, say, a pig, then fly thousands of feet up in the air . . . and cut the lead. When it lands? Pork chops!
Where was I again? Oh yeah, next comic Thursday!
EDIT: Okay, resaved a new copy as a PROPER jpeg this time, there shouldn’t be a problem, but there probably will be so be sure to let me know if there is!
Hey! (no comic shows up – gonna check at home again)
GOD DAMMIT NOT AGAIN. . . . okay. Give me four hours. After I get back from work, I’ll fix the file extension.
Thank you!
Wonderful show of character development when under pressure. When thinking about other’s needs, all own fears fade away.
There seems to be something missing here… maybe a picture?
Oh, the image is there ( ), it just does not display, “because it contains errors”.
I think it’s another of the .jpg Photoshop saved as a “.psd” file, which most image programs can’t show (as .psd can include anything – videos, documents, images, … I’ll look at home, or honeybun should check her settings in the “save” or “save as…” pop-up…
Krulle: It’s exacly that. I was able to view it by saving the image, renaming to .psd, and viewing it using ImageMagick.
I’ve put it up temporarily here:
Also, oh, wow. Yeah, looks like, little angels in her head aside, she’s made her decision.
I knew Angechat wasn’t going to give up! Although the things she’s imagining are no threats at all… she doesn’t know she’s going to meet Lolo, and possibly the “demon” equivalent to the Janitor, and those are *far* more scary than the thought of starving, getting her pretty white fur dirty, or not knowing the way to go home!
But love gives both Demonchat and Angechat strength…